Arts Salon: Exploring STEAM
Wednesday, April 19th at 6.30PM
Betty Mae Kramer Gallery in the Silver Spring Civic Building
Do you remember learning something fascinating during an elementary school science class or field trip to the park, planetarium or museum? Or was it during a chemistry experiment in high school or while skimming the photo captions in your Dad's latest National Geographic? Did you have to prove you understood it by taking a test or writing a report? Did that take the joy out of your discovery? If you could have, instead, expressed not just your understanding, but your passion through your favorite art form, just imagine what you could have danced, painted, sculpted, or sang. How would you have told the story of your discovery?
Join us this evening in exploring STEAM, that is, using an Art form to express your understanding of a Science, Technology, Engineering or Math fact or concept. Fear not! Remember science is all about trial and error. And so are the arts.
Our salon will be led by Elizabeth Forbes Wallace, a teaching artist from Takoma Park who enjoys facilitating students of all ages to discover the sciences of astronomy and space exploration through storytelling in all of its forms. Work by her students have been featured at the NASM; a Science-Telling Festival in New Zealand; and science conferences in San Francisco, Boulder, London and the Hayden Planetarium in NYC.